Will or would?

Gapfill exercise

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.
What time you come home?
I tell you if I knew.
you like to live in another country?
If I were you I spend so much time in the sun.
If I didn’t get a job I be very sad.
If the weather is nice I go to the beach.
I help you if I could.
What are you doing here? I take you home.
If you drive so carelessly you have an accident.
we have time for a coffee before the train leaves?
What you do if you won on the lottery?
you love this man in sickness and in health?
I promise I clean my room!
I think people live on the Moon in 2080.
I enjoy life more if I were richer.
If people used more solar energy our environment be cleaner.
If I learn to speak Spanish I be able to live there.
If I had more time I read more.
If I could live anywhere in the world I live in Argentina.
I see you tomorrow!