What is the past tense of these verbs?

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
      1     2     3    4     5     
   6                7     
   9               10     11   
 13        14               
             15    16       
17             18         19    
    20               21     
          22   23           
 24      25      26       27        
  29    30              31      
 32       33         34         
  35               36     37    
39      40            41        


1. stand
4. bend
6. know
7. hit
8. deal
9. sleep
10. hang
12. wake
13. bet
14. choose
17. keep
18. throw
20. sing
21. win
22. grow
24. bring
27. begin
28. drink
29. cost
32. make
33. bear
34. shake
35. sit
36. leave
38. pay
39. put
40. fly
41. hear


1. sweep
2. overtake
3. cut
4. brake
5. think
9. set
11. give
12. go
13. breed
14. catch
15. drive
16. awake
19. find
23. run
25. get
26. arise
27. bring
30. spend
31. drive
33. become
35. send
37. tell